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Welcome to Salem United Methodist Church!

We are a church in progress, very much like life in progress. You are more than welcome to come join us discover how to grow in God, reach out with God’s love and grace, and put out there our faith in action. I like what the Reconciling Ministries say, “BOL: Believe Out Loud!”

Join us if you want to make a difference, if you think beyond yourself and your needs, if you think God is bigger than anything you can think of, if you want dignity for all. Join us to discover God’s gifts for you and the world. Join us if you want to be relevant and lead and live a God-life.

We are a connectional church, in that we are a part of the global church that is the United Methodist Church who has churches and mission presence all around the world. Together, we respond to God’s call to authentic discipleship and responsible stewardship as shown by Jesus Christ. As we transform ourselves, we transform the world through love, justice, mercy, compassion– where we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, free the oppressed, walk with the poor, advocate for the marginalized and invisible. This is a lifetime walk with God, ever growing and ever deepening, and ever striving to live powered by the Holy Spirit.

Join us in this journey. It is an adventure worth living for and getting excited about!

It’s all about God!

Worship is Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Hymns are drawn from the 1988 UM Hymnal, The Faith We Sing supplement and the Global Praise songbooks and contemporary sources.

Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month. The Lord’s table is open to all.

Seasonal Services include Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Easter.

• At Salem UMC, we make no apology
for strong preaching, sound doctrine
and devotion to the Trinity.

In The News …

Facebook Worship

Click to read article

If you will be joining us for worship on Facebook at 10:15 a.m., we will be incorporating as many elements as possible of our current worship into the virtual worship service. On the first Sunday of the month, we will be celebrating Communion, so if you wish to celebrate together, please be sure to have your elements (bread and juice) on hand when we live stream at 10:15.

Weekly Message

Miss Service This Week?

Want to Review a Past Message? They're (mostly) all here!

Monthly Message

Word from the Pastor

Pastor Keith Hewitt shares a monthly column from ``The Messenger,`` our monthly newsletter.